CreativeProblem Solver
The Art of Your Brand
Created in 2004, Evoke Design has an intense desire to draw out the best ideas for each and every one of our clients. Our precise knowledge of the print industry and in-depth experience of an advertising agency allow us to create order out of chaos and turn our passion into perfection. No matter what the project, we gather all the information, offer valuable insights and then take the time and tell your company’s story through the most effective means possible. You’ll also notice that from start to finish and every point along the path, we’re as excited about your project as you are.
How We Work
While some design firms like to do everything on the computer, at Evoke Design we like to start with something a little more basic, yet much more powerful — an idea. After all, if you only settle on one path without critically thinking about the project at hand, you do just that — settle. We prefer to approach an assignment from many different angles. Often times that means going through a number of comps before we even share our thinking. Then we further refine things on the computer creating the perfect expression of your brand or your business that will improve your bottom line.
What can we create?
After thousands of projects from full branding to a single brochure.
We are excited to work with you.
What can we create today that will make your life better tomorrow.